Sunday, April 24, 2011


So, as we all know and hate love, it is another Christian holiday. As such, I needed something to do. I don't go home for holidays due to my overwhelming hatred of forced family get-togethers.

How does one celebrate a sandle-wearing, prostitute dating, heritic who claims to be god that gets killed and comes back as a zombie to eat the brains of local children? Like this!

Cleaned house
Did dishes
Made about $50 worth of food
Ate about $10 worth of said food
watched Big Bang Theory.

Holiday well spent with the people I love ^_^

Monday, April 18, 2011


My last few hours can be summed up with one word: Babies

The article I am currently reading is:

I have been going through and reading Developmental Science... yeah... I'm that cool

Sunday, April 10, 2011

WoW! So many Squirrels!

Today, between 10am and 3pm, there was a squirrel on the bird feeder outside my window 27 times. There were TWO squirrels on there twice.

 There may have been more, but I have succumb to WoW to alleviate boredom. I am now a lvl 27 Night Elf Res Druid playing on Alleria.

I have a kitty :D

Monday, April 4, 2011

Quest for Hobbies: The Guild

I have decided something scary... If I do not have a new hobby by May 13th (Last day of classes), I will become one of the masses... I shall play WoW. My server is already picked out, I have a high probability of being in a guild within hours of joining (damn family), and I have a 18mbps internet connection. Obstacles? My sanity and an odd desire for a social life off of the computer :D

During this quest, I discovered a new distraction called, "The Guild" - only adding to the hidden excitement behind picking up WoW. I have played it before, but had to stop as I played the wrong server and was not with my family.

Meh, I have been looking all over for something to do! I need help! If I don't want to run around saying, "Do you wanna date my avatar" I need to find a new hobby. Below is a small list of items I have declined.

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