This is a very moot point, but I would like it to be considered. Before tonight, I had never used the word, nor had I heard the word, "sneaked". That has changed now. Apparently, "sneaked" is the proper way to say "snuck", although "snuck" is the new standard. Yes, there shall always be a time and a place to sound like a 3yr old and say "She sneaked a cookie" but to me, it just sounds... off.
This got me starting to think about other words that have been replaced and changed. South Park may be the best at stating this with their "fag" argument.
This is basically the argument with "snuck" and "sneaked". Older definitions cannot be forgotten, as they still have meaning, but new definitions tend to take precedence. If you care to agree/disagree, I will eventually post more of my linguistic arguments on here, but as of right now I have homework XD
This is thoroughly within the realm of Aaron logic, I think. I'll let it lie, I think.